On October 27, 2003 I achieved the refreshing goal of changing from
an American wage-slave to a smiling resident of Playa del Carmen,
Mexico. Yes, life is very good here in paradise.
Back in February 2003, before pulling the plug, I bought some property in Pueblo SacBe. This is the jungle village where I live now, just a short drive north of town. I am now retired from a very active role in the village and the project. During my first year I built a rustic stone palapa house in the village to live in for a while. Now, many years later, I have learned a lot about living in a tropical forest with encroaching over-development, but enjoying each day nevertheless. Here are a few pictures of my neighborhood. So, now let me know how you're doing, and when you plan to come down for a session of margaritas on the beach!